Thursday, June 9, 2016

Ropes Day

Ropes Day

I’m not sure about how I felt before we started climbing, or before our team building games for that matter. Most of my attention was focused on the high ropes course, half of which was suspended and swing in the breeze. I vaguely remember feeling anxious and a slightly excited but I'm blaming both of those emotions on adrenaline.

Thankfully the didn't just shove a harness in our direction and send us up the climbing wall. They only sent us up the climbing nightmares later. First we had to split into groups and play some games based around teamwork and trust. I enjoyed most of them, the rope swing one wasn't too bad in the end except for the fact your personal bubble was not considered.

Now, after we had eaten, they gave us a detailed explanation on how to out our harness on correctly, placing a big emphasis on the ‘do it right or you'll severely injure yourself part’. Or maybe that was just me. Then we put on our helmets (mine wasn't as secure as I would have hoped but it finally tightened) and watched a quick belaying tutorial by the instructors.

Now, I only have time to share one climbing wall in detail so picked by random I'll be doing The Vertical Terror Playground.

It started with a pole, the holds a decent space apart and it looked easy enough and when Ellen said an adult could stabilize it I shrugged it off as it being a slightly wobbly. Until I put my foot on it and it started swaying and twisting as I climbed up higher. My favourite part of the whole climb was the next one I came across on my journey upwards. A totally stable, unmoving, held in place by strong wood, simple climbing wall. Although one of the vital hand holds was slippery and near impossible to grip I made it up surprisingly quickly.

Then it was on to a wooden X with hand holds scattered on it, I used more of the structure than the intended holds though. Next on the treacherous towering object was a net, I personally believe it was designed to torment me. I hung there clinging to the rope and struggling to grasp the red seat above me. Eventually though I managed to swing my leg over and grab the elusive rope that I used to haul myself up. Then I was travelling back down, bumping along the obstacles that I had previously struggled to pass.

After completing many courses both similar and different to the first one I conquered, we began to head back to school. I went home with many bruises, a set of sore arms and a bang to my head. And some good memories.