Sunday, February 7, 2016


I did a 10km Bike Ride!!

Today me and my wondrous friend Zoe went biking to Pegasus, training for Rakahuri Rage. We did  it in the miserable miserable weather. It was too hot in a jumper but cold without one. The annoying in between temperature. Yet we were soon on our way, I was pretty skilled. At recovering quickly from a fall that is. 

I fell about 6 times because of sand or a rogue root; that was just on the way there. After my erratic cycling and numerous tumbles we arrived in an amazing place. A cafe filled with food. I was starved, so after a quick bite we got ready to go.

So off we went, enjoying the smooth as silk paths. Knowing soon we would be cycling on the rough track once again. Until I somehow went from gear 2 to gear 6, and my bike started to consistently click. 

I was going insane from the noise and my legs were tired of pushing the pedals hard. So with the wave of Zoe's moms magic wand it was fixed (she rode it for awhile until she solved the problem). I still don't know what I did to it. I just hope I don't do it again.

Can't wait to go again though, it was a great time.


  1. It was very. Fun good luck with Rakahuri Rage

  2. Sounds hard but very rewarding!!!Everyone watch out for Derrin in the Rakahuri rage or on second thought you will not be able to see her because she will be going sooooooooooooo fast

  3. Wow Derrin! You must be very proud of yourself and Zoe! I hope I can keep up with you!

  4. I think it's great that you have been out training. Best to iron out those minor problems early.
    I can tell I am really going to enjoy reading your entertaining blog posts.

  5. Good on you Derrin for getting in some cycling practice. Really enjoyed reading your witty writing.

  6. well done Derrin You've put a lot of effort into your wondours words you used.
