Thursday, August 18, 2016

Community Service

I am glad to announce I have completed my twenty hours of community service. And more.

First I must say that starting it early on was amazing advice given to me by the previous Yr 8's. It's a great feeling to have nearly everything you need to do done by Term three. I get Term four off! If anyone was to ask me advice about Community service starting early would most definitely be my answer.

I got most of it done at the library in Rangiora, by shelving books and blacking out the tags on books they were giving away. It was great to give back to them especially since I get books out frequently. I also used the chance given to me by the school to do Rotary Club. Time flew by really quickly when I was in charge of the stove. Although my face almost got burnt a few times! I plan on adding a few more hours to achieve my goal of 46 hours at the end of the year. I think I might cook for the local church, where they'll give it away to those who can't cook for themselves.

I hope others found this as rewarding as I did. I feel grateful that I was given the opportunity to give back.


Sadly, the one true exercise that I will do willingly is coming to a halt. Yes that is right, the glorious Hockey season is coming to an end. So in response to my last game in a few days I decided to reflect on how I've improved since starting.

Firstly, when I began I was utterly terrible at moving while clutching on to my Hockey stick. I would drop it or swing it too high. Maybe even drop it while i was swinging it too high... However now I am glad to be able to tell you, I can successfully sprint down the field with my hockey stick in hand.

Next on my list of pre-season problems is durability. At the start one look at Nunweek's park and I would already be tired. I was also a Fall back back then as well (the person who stays at the back, not really running).  Although I still dislike, hates too strong of a word, running I am doing a lot more of it now. Especially after being moved to a half, the people who are there to run.

The last item I have on the short reflection I'm writing is my aim. I am not saying I can hit the goal more than sixty percent of the time, I'm saying I'm less likely to miss it by more than four meters. I almost great on the passing to people though which I find a considerable improvement.

Now, I know that my Winter hockey is finishing. This is were the great thing about hockey comes in, it's made for both the hot and the cold. So I'll be back to hitting that hockey ball down the field soon!

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Drawing Time Lapse

I decided to do a time lapse of a drawing I recently did. I apologize for the poor quality.