Thursday, September 29, 2016

Writing Workshop

Yesterday, I went along with Anna, Brooklyn and Holly to a writing workshop in Christchurch. There were five stations all covering different aspects of the subject. We started off at poetry and made our way around until we finished with illustration. The stations were Poetry, Structure, Character, Language and Illustration. My favorite is a toss between either Language or Poetry because we had time to write in them.

I'm really grateful that the school gave us the opportunity to go and learn from these five talented authors, I learnt plenty of tips on developing stories and can’t wait to implement them.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Wildboy Book

For silent reading I was recommended a book by Miss Hanna. I was unsure since it wasn't the type of book I normally read but I decided to give it a try. Since I am now over halfway through the book I think it's safe to say I enjoy reading it.

My book is called Wildboy and it's about a man who decided to walk all the way around New Zealand. I myself would never even think about doing this but reading about all the adventures he's been through it definitely sparked my interest in travel. Although I like this book it does have some downsides. For example it can drag on in certain places if nothing exciting is happening, it also means that you can be tempting to stop reading. I'd recommend this book to those who enjoy Non-fiction stories, or travelling.

Monday, September 19, 2016

My Speech

Here is a ScreenCastify of my speech for those who wish to see it. Highly suggested that you do not put your volume on full; HIGHLY SUGGESTED. I wasn't going to speak to it in front of the class but due to the tremendous amount of static you couldn't hear a few words that I thought crucial to hear. So as a result I ended up speaking in front of over 30 people. Hooray for me! I believe I wasn't too bad on the speaking front.

My topic is Social Media. I chose this as my topic for my speech because I’m often on the internet and I find myself constantly going back to Instagram. I wanted to find out why that was. Voila! My speech was born.

It turns out people enjoyed it so I found myself headed off to Quad Schools.