Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Covert Mission

For Writing we have been working with a partner or independently to create a Pick-A-Path. I chose to do mine on a mission. I tried my very best to keep the main character gender neutral, so I haven't put any strictly female or male descriptions in there. If you notice any please tell me so I may change them. 

Hope you enjoy my slide.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Lake Daniels

Lake Daniels*

It all started with the long drive, winding and hurtling down roads. Not quite racing to our starting point. It was an amusing car ride to say the least, and I was getting excited as we drove on. It was around 5-6 when we arrived and began piling food onto our flimsy plates. The looks on everyone's face when we found the pasta was still warm is still etched into my memory.

Once we'd all finished and Westport arrived we were split up (much to my dismay) into two groups. However, it mildly redeemed itself when I noticed I had Haylley, Anna, Brooklyn and Hayato to keep me company. This is when the painful yet hilarious trek in the dark started.

At first the path was easy to spot, no need for the headlamps and torches we had put on earlier in preparation. This was also when we weren't getting pain in our feet or bored enough to start up games. It was then I decided to complete the challenge we had been given. We were to find someone (we didn't know, so sadly I couldn't pull a trick) and learn 3 facts about them.

I found Coral and discovered her and her mother came from england when she was 16, her favorite track is the Heffy because the scenery changes and she knew a girl who winged her entire speech and got through. It turned out later that no one would check of we actually did it.

It was a few minutes after that, that the Boredom settled in. And the chaotic singing erupted from our little cluster, which I can say proudly, was at the very front of everybody. All through the track we were belting out lyrics, and singing off key. We were running off of the adrenaline that came with the very loud, very out of tune songs. It was a blur for most of the track, except when we were filmed doing our little haka.

My feet were beginning to hurt, the ache setting in as we settled into walking along a flat path. It was just as we were starting to voice our complaints when we heard the sound of ducks. The normally irritating noise, I figured out, meant we were likely near a source of Water. A Lake to be more precise. Mere seconds later our little section was sprinting towards the sight of a cabin.

After snacking on some food, I decided that this was definitely enough for one day. Sadly, I was the one of few who did that. Everyone else kept on talking and talking.

Then, magically produced by the power of sleep, it was morning! And we all very slowly woke up. I quickly consumed y up and go, along with some of food before choosing a spot on the bench. After I had claimed said spot Lachlan, Jack and EB made an appearance. Absolutely soaking wet. They had. Either bravely or due to some bad choices had decided to go into the lake.

More Walking occurred. Jokes were said. Things were lost. Those things were found. We walked faster. We met some men with brooms. Then the trees stopped.

We had finished. Technically.

*Doesn't include the Lewis Pass