Friday, May 20, 2016

10KM Walk

10 Km Walk

Guess what I did! I ran *drumroll* Tweeeeelve kilometers! And I, along with you, am still wondering how I didn't fall over during this excruciatingly long walk. However, I was victorious in completing this walk that was two km over what I had to do.

I go over and beyond :D

I didn't do the walk alone though, at the start I was walking along with Hayato, Zoe and Riely. Then we split up and I continued walking as fast as I could with Zoe. I was very grateful that she stayed with me at my sloth pace. Given that my speed wasn't too fast though.

I got overtaken by a woman pushing a pram and holding a toddler. She was made of pure determination, she had to be. After the tiring fun run/walk we made it to the end and I sprinted. As fast as I possibly could, I nearly tripped over as I sped up to pass the finish line.

Then I got……...CHURROS! The best dessert you can consume (almost) although I have a feeling it was just sugar. Caramel sauce and Sugar and cinnamon smothered onto a sugary deep fried dough. It doesn't sound nearly as good when I describe it to myself.

Then it was off to my house, and I had a couch with my name on it waiting for me. Don't worry though because next year I'll be doing it again.

Again. I don't think that's registered yet....

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