Monday, May 23, 2016

I Promise

I was told to put this up.....

The flashes of smoke followed closely by a loud bang filled the previously eerie silence. Except the shooting wasn’t aimed at your partner, but you.

“Hey, (Y/N)?”


In the chaos you hadn’t noticed that rampage was only being aimed at you. You twisted around the shots with practiced ease, returning the favor. The metal passing in an exchange of subconscious levels unknown.

“Promise Me”

“Promise you what?”

The bodies that fell from your bullets did nothing to your guilt, they fired first after all. You swung your body up with the new found momentum from your run, landing on a railing. You threw a carefully aimed knife at the wire for the elevator preventing any other way to access the balcony beside climbing.

“That you’ll never forget me.”

“Yeah, I can do that” a soft smile winding it’s way to your lips.

The bullets came from all directions so you're not sure who hit you, but the pain washed over you nonetheless. Agony basically shouting you on, you swung your guns firing into the haze of people. Soon they had all run as to not be hit, or were lying dead.  A triumphant smile came to your lips as you placed your gun into your holster.

“Promise me that I made an Impact on your life”

You entwined both of your hands, smiles matching and hearts beating in sync.

A loud bang resounded throughout the room, and by the stuttering of your heart you knew. A single bullet wound to your chest, entering from the back. A whole new look on backstabbing. Legs uneasy you turned, there he stood.

You turned to face him, his head cocked to the side inquiringly; your whole world in one picture perfect memory.

The request hung in the air, but your mind was made. He was after all your everything.

Face stoic, eyes torn between his usual save your partner and his orders. He watched the blood pool on the floor, the life in you draining. 
He watched you live your worst nightmare.
And he stood there.

“I’ll tell you later” sending him a knowing wink.

Your eyes glazed over and with the last bit of air you voiced his answer.

“I promise”

1 comment:

  1. Wow this is a very powerful piece of writing Derrin. Where did your inspiration to write about this subject come from? You have definitely written for effect using very sophisticated techniques. I had to read this twice to make sure I understood what you were saying. This is a mature piece of writing I am absolutely blown away with it. Who was the audience you had in mind when you wrote this? I think you need to be publishing for a wider audience.
