Tuesday, May 3, 2016



I am not sporty nor do I enjoy running for long periods of time. Yet here I am, choosing a hobby that’s made up of the very thing I despise. To that I owe Holly P, who helped me find the club I am now in.

It started off as summer hockey, in which I spent most of the time during the first game chilling at the back of the court. Then in the second game, I began to, for lack of a better word, attack the opponent. This did not involve me whacking them with my hockey stick, well at least not above their shin guard.

I soon settled into my place amongst the rest of the group as a defender. That is until we showed up to our very first ‘official’ game. Which just so happened to be on a massive field about three times the size of what we normally play. Which equals; more running!


However, the sport redeemed itself with the game play being better than when we're on a small field. Even if we happened to lose 11 - 0, it was still fun.

I'm still not sporty nor do I now enjoy running, but I might just tolerate it if it means hockey.


  1. It is really cool that you have discovered hockey, as well as you sound that you are enjoying it too. Hockey was always my sport. It is even better that you are now playing 11 aside which means that you will be learning new hockey skills.

  2. I love reading stuff on your blog because it has is so funny! Way to go Derrin,you keep playing hockey!!!!!!

  3. That is sad you lose. But it less you had fun. I how you win a game Derrin.

  4. That's good to here you are having fun Derrin and I cant wait to here more about you on your blog:)
