Tuesday, May 31, 2016


On Friday I was apart of the animation club, I chose this club because I like the technique they use. Photo by photo. It's a slow process but that's how they make Disney Movies (and Disney owns Marvel, which helped me make my decision). So I decided I would try it out.

I hadn't expected my first try to be amazing, but I had hoped it would be great. Sadly, I ran out of time and the end product wasn't what I had envisioned. I however, had expected that there would be an almost agonising amount of photos for just a few seconds worth of video. I just wasn't prepared to take those many photos.

I enjoyed making the props for the video, especially the fox that came in through the corner. The broom was definitely the easiest to make, and came in handy when we tidied up the crumbs. Watching the finished product was probably the best part of the club. We could finally see what we had accomplished with the the many photos.

When I got home I decided to try making one by myself, so after I got a similar app I set to work. I managed to make two small videos. One was of a fish coming out from beneath a seashell and the other was of some origami (I had limited resources). My goal is to make videos of similar quality at the next clubs.


  1. Sounds awesome. I can't wait to see what you come up with. Did you ever finish the sky one with Brooklyn?

  2. Hi Derrin, I like how you decided to join the animation group because you likened it to Walt Disney and the fact you are a Marvel fan. I think movie making requires quite a bit of patience, but the end result can be amazing. I look forward to viewing some of your movies on your blog.

  3. Sounds like fun your almost making me want to swop clubs, jk.

  4. wow Derrin that sound very fun. Can you put the movies on your blog it would be cool to see what they are like.
