Monday, May 23, 2016

NZ At War 'Google Map'

We have been studying New Zealanders at War. Piper and I worked together to create an interactive Google Maps Presentation.


  1. Awesome Derrin love how you have done something different to others.

  2. Love the map Derrin and Piper. We like the way you put those cool little mini figures.
    - Riely and Harry

  3. Very good work. I never thought of presenting it on google maps. The icons were very good. I really liked the information you put on the icons. Well done.

  4. Great work Derrin! I never knew you can use google maps.

  5. Very cool Derrin that's a great way to present your work.

  6. Well done to both of you for the very comprehensive detailed information you put on the map. It was a new idea which I like and I expect that you learnt a lot about many countries that you know where some were. The New Zealanders were very proactive and busy during the war. It is amazing just to see it on the world map how much we contributed during this time.
