Friday, May 20, 2016

Rakahuri Rage

Rakahuri Rage

The main thing I remember about Rakahuri Rage, a traumatic six hour bike race, is the heat. Boiling sun pounding down onto my back as I pedaled as fast as I could, which wasn't very fast. Before I get too carried away though, I'll start from the beginning.

Unlike many serene mornings where you sleep in just a bit and wake up to people chattering quietly, or waking up to the sun on your face (it's proven to actually make you happier), I was woken up more abruptly. The sound of my mom yelling if I'm trying to be precise. I'm probably exaggerating but I was tired, oh so very tired. But all was forgiven once she uttered the word ‘food’.

After polishing off my plate and gulping down some water I was still tired pumped up and ready to go. Once I changed into my ‘professional’ biking gear (my WPCA top and some ten dollar shorts) I was off. To the couch. Trying to regain those precious minutes of potential sleep that had been ripped from me. Sadly, my attempt at a nap failed when I opened up my phone to many notifications, too many.

What felt to be only a minute later I was getting into a car, alongside my enemy. The bike. Once we arrived to the crowded car park I got out my bike and started to wheel it towards the infinite sea of gazebos, I was almost sure that I would get lost and meet some weird bike related doom, when Holly M called out to me. My friend in shining sports gear.

I gently lay my bike down onto grass as I stepped past a row of cars and was met with excited chatter. The time flew quickly and after what seemed mere moments we were sitting front row to the briefing. Yay. After the not-boring-at-all briefing we were sent back to our little set up, before being redirected to the starting line. I felt like a sheep being herded but it was better than me being a lone wolf and getting trampled by bikes.

Next thing I know we're being placed in front of the sea of impatient cyclists. I wasn't convinced it was necessary, and thought I was about to be attacked by numerous wheels, chains and pedals. But happily, we were repositioned on the sidelines to do a little countdown, not that the front bikers paid any mind to us. We were at two and someone took off, which was like a chain reaction.

I searched the bikers as they zoomed past, but didn't manage to spot one of my two teammates. I was pretty sure she was going to fast for me to register. So proud. Then I found myself back at the site waiting, quite content to be doing so. Not even twenty minutes later, Holly came barreling through the transition zone, preparing to tag Piper. Then in a gush of wind, and a lot of cheering Piper was off. Captain America not so far behind (favorite costume of the day)!

In a flash (and after I ate some more) Piper was back and I begrudgingly took off onto the grass. The extremely annoying grass. After a few bumps and crossing the road I was in the forest, making the most of the shade. After what seemed an eternity I had the race course in my sights, Hayato getting smaller as he raced along in front of me. Then I was coming down the stretch of grass, the gazebos clear now. After skidding around a corner and searching for my peers, I came crashing past the tape and tagged the awaiting Holly, who promptly took off.

The following laps followed the same pattern. Holly speeding (pretty sure she went dangerously fast), Piper being the sane one who went at a moderate pace, which was actually pretty fast if you consider it. Then me, going as fast as my legs could possibly go, which was slow. Although I did cut off ten percent of my time on my second lap and made it over two hills I couldn't get up previously.

Then after all of that hard work and painful pedaling. I was done! Finally I could sit down without having to get back up to cycle the excruciatingly long track. I could say something else dramatic like ‘This was freedom’ or ‘never again shall we face this horror’ but just writing about it is exhausting. So to conclude my adventure I will make my last paragraph about the joys of Ice cream.

Now, after all of that I deserved something delicious, so the obvious choice was Ice Cream. So after I got the money off my mom, that she gave willingly…..I went with Piper and Holly to the truck. My ice cream was a one (technically two) scoop cookies and cream with bounty and Kit Kat mixed in.



  1. This is so nice to read tennis tyrant

  2. You did so well in Rakahuri rage. I'm am so proud of you for not giving up even though you wanted to. I couldn't have picked a better team to race with we had so much fun.

  3. You were fantastic and it was great to see everyone supporting each other. You can tick that one off, a 6 hour bike race is an accomplishment.
